Art Therapy

I feel we all have a creative voice that is unique and valuable. In art therapy, there is no write or wrong, there is no experience or background in art making necessary, and it is not only about the final product, but the process of making art as well. Art therapy can offer a visual representation of our thoughts and feelings. It can provide access to self expression that is sometimes difficult or unable to be verbalized. The creative process taps into our more innate and primal levels of self expression, giving us access to material that is more subconscious. This work can be processed and explored in therapy to give us a deeper connection to ourselves as well as to those around us.

Similar to my general therapeutic approach, art therapy is tailored to the needs of each individual client. There are many ways to approach and explore the creative process based on the needs and interests of each individual. This can include drawing, painting, sculpture, collage, origami, collaborative pieces, textiles and more. I highly value the ability to use art making in therapy because it can offer a new and exciting way form of self expression.